We propose a coin laundry management tailored to our customers
Large coin laundry machine & small coin laundry machine
-- Life with coin loundry --
Outlet Air Conditioner 2021/10/25
台数限定でアウトレットエアコンの販売を始めました。Panasonic CS-220DJT-Wを特価¥22,000(税込配送料抜工事なし)で。台数限定早い者勝ちです。売り切れました。
BW-FCV70 2021/7/1
Oil Remover 2021/8/30
Outlet Air Conditioner 2020/9/1
PRE-ORDER 2020/9/28
Recycle Laundry 2020/8/24
GALLERIES 2020/9/4
只今楽天で弊社オリジナル洗剤「Landry A シリーズ」、5個ご購入以上で送料無料の大キャンペーン中です。皆様お早めにどうぞ!
New Product 2020/07/22
The introduction page of the new coin washing machine "Beat Wash BW-FCV70" has been posted.
The washing machine of charm that has been designed on the basis of the new concept, from here please see.
We have started to handle the electronically controlled breaker "Densuke" that can lower the monthly basic electricity charge.
Click here for more information.
What's NEW? 2020/07/14
Our own online shopping site has been updated.
Affordable prices for what you need to operate a coin laundry. Sales of the coin-operated washing machine "BW-FCV70" and used merchandise will begin in the near future. Please wait for a while.
REGENERATED 2020/02/27
We will introduce the stores as needed.
Please look forward to it!
Contact: 042-621-1111
Disinfection 2020/07/07
We started to handle rubbing alcohol. How about Arcrina 18L, antivirus? 10L is also available. As soon as possible, the number is limited.
Inquiries: 042-621-1111
Mail Order 2019/12/06
We started a mail-order site on Rakuten. We have an abundant lineup of products such as our own brand original detergent as well as commercial laundry equipment. Inquiries: 042-621-1111
What's NEW? 2019/07/01
Outdoor department of family rental lease, will be starting as a new "Japan coin-operated laundry machines Sales Co., Ltd.". We would like to take this opportunity to further improve our services, and we ask for your continued patronage.
REGENERATED 2019/07/01
We started to purchase laundry equipment. Please contact our purchasing department for details such as the manufacturers we can handle.
Inquiries: 042-621-1111
SEMINAR 2019/07/01
We are planning to re-launch the popular coin laundry management seminar.
Please contact our seminar staff for more information on "Understanding coin laundry management (tentative title)" in which our president serves as a lecturer.
Details will be posted later.
Inquiries: 042-621-1111
SHOWROOMS 2019/07/01
Why don't you visit our proposed store, owners who are considering coin laundry management? This is a good opportunity to find out the reasons for the popular coin-operated laundry stores such as the latest proposal stores and stores popular with local residents.
Inquiries: 042-621-1111